Monday, June 11, 2007

Left the A/C on? No problem! Deactivate it remotely...

New developments are in a race to provide a better mousetrap, and those without a differentiation strategy are having trouble moving apartments. The recent frill-frenzy™ we've witnessed has us wondering, "What's next?" I'll tell you what's next...computers that control EVERYTHING in your home. Not cool enough? Don't worry, it gets cooler. These computers can be accessed via the Internet, remotely. Want a cool (temperature) apartment when you walk in the door? Turn on the A/C and lower the shades remotely before leaving work. Can't be home for the handyman in the afternoon? Unlock your apartment and watch them on camera remotely from work.

And you thought Bill Gates had all the fun in his hi-tech residence! Stay tuned for more "technomenities"...

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