Tuesday, March 20, 2007


According to Bruce Fowle, Senior Principal of FXFOWLE Architects, "There's a greater concentration of green buildings here (Manhattan) than anywhere else." Consumers are increasingly eager to "green" their environment and new developments are meeting those demands in high style. Some of the coolest advances in "greening" new developments include: ventilation systems that provide filtered and humidified air, photovoltaic cells that generate a percentage of the building's electric load, on-site water treatments, recycled steel/wood/concrete drawn from local resources, solar rooftop panels, and landscaped rooftop gardens that capture rainwater for re-use.

Most importantly, green homes are much healthier than standard homes, because they are constructed without traditional toxic building materials -- like formaldehyde-laced particle board, toxin-laden insulation, and dioxin-filled vinyl flooring -- that have been shown to cause everything from sore throats to asthma and other repiratory illnesses, and even cancer. Not to mention, green homes mean lower energy bills!

For more information on "going green," visit the following sites:

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