Saturday, March 10, 2007

Renovating your kitchen?

Not without an RFID refrigerator. Well, at some point in the near future, at least.

This techno-monument to food preservation can purportedly send a shopping list to your cell phone or directly to the supermarket when it detects your milk, juice, eggnog, or assortment of critical condiments are reaching dangerously low levels. It is also designed to track each item's expiry date and display information about its nutritional value. Moreover, it can provide recipes for dishes that can be prepared with the ingredients in the fridge. Antennas will transmit signals to products with embedded RFID transponders and retrieve important information about the product. The only thing this uber-fridge can't do is cook for you - but I'll bet that's not too far off. Move over Sub-Zero.

More to come as the RFID fridge hits the market...

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